Founders: Nick Love and Bradley Hopper in 2021 in Overland Park, KS
City Entrepreneur interviewed Nick Love cofounder and CEO and discovered the
They are creating a syringe to make injections less painful
Raised 1.2 million dollars seed funding
Nick is a physician by training
Partnership with
“I was seeing patients that were not adhering to their injectable products because of the pain with the process. And if they had autoinjector devices, which are supposed to help with that pain process, I had come up with the concept initially for a device that we have now called MultiPen which timegates access to injectables so that patients cannot accidently overdose or underdose on those types of products when they have to administer them at home.”
“My cofounder recommended that we scale things back to a single use device. And so we decided that we should ask the patients. And we found that injections suck for everyone. What we had further identified during this process was that autoinjectables are tremendously better than having to pull medication out of the vial. But we found that patients want to control the injection process. There’s two main painpoints: 1) how quickly needles are inserted, and 2) medication was either being ejected so quickly that it was forming a bubble under the skin, or so slowly that they were actually pulling the injectable away from the injection site with the device still spewing out medication. From there We decided we were going to create UniPen our single use injection device that is a hybrid injection device. So it strips away the pain points of those autoinjectors, but integrates the control that patient’s desire.”
“Unipen is the universal pen for injectable products.”
“As an entrepreneur, you’re wearing a million hats any given day of the week.”
“Our device at the end of the day is sold to pharma. So our client is not the end-user, which is a very interesting nuance. We identified a problem that patients were dealing with, but is that really a problem that our clients are dealing with is a very interesting